CBS recently interviewed immigration attorney Anibal Romero for their investigation into undocumented immigrants at the Trump Organization. Watch Anibal Romero discuss immigration law on CBS and read the transcript below:

CBS: Two women came forward today to say they were employed at a golf resort owned by the Trump organization, even though they were living in this country illegally. Adrian adias spoke with them.

CBS: Victorina Morales, an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala, has worked at the Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey for five years. Even cleaning the president’s residence. So you would make the beds, you would clean the bathrooms, you would dust, you would vacuum for the residents. She claims her bosses knew she wasn’t authorized to live in the U.S. but hired her anyway. So he said it doesn’t matter. We need someone whether or not they have documents. She says Jorge Via Fuerte, identified as a club facilities manager in this photo with Mr. Trump, later gave her money to get a fake green card and social security card. We tried to call Via Fuerte but were unable to reach him. Sandra Diaz, said she also worked at the club while she was undocumented. Their attorney, Anibal Romero, claims at least a dozen undocumented immigrants are on the club’s payroll.

Donald Trump: Republicans believe America should be a sanctuary for law abiding citizens, not criminal aliens.

CBS: Which if true, conflicts with the president’s position on illegal immigration. The women’s lawyer, provided us with Morales’s 2017 W-2, which lists her employer as Lamington Farm Club, a corporate name for Mr.Trump’s golf course. The address listed is Trump tower in New York. How do you know that those fraudulent documents were procured with the assistance or awareness of the club?

Anibal Romero: And that is why we, my clients are willing to cooperate with federal authorities and with state authorities so they can provide details.

CBS: In a statement, the Trump organization said, “we have tens of thousands of employees across our properties and have very strict hiring practices. If an employee submitted false documentation in an attempt to circumvent the law, they will be terminated immediately.” Morales expects that she and her colleagues will lose their jobs over this, but the women say they are willing to pay that price to come forward. Jeff, we’ve reached out to the White House, but haven’t heard back.

Immigration Attorney Anibal Romero and The Romero Firm can help you and your family navigate through the complex immigration process, guiding your path toward the final goal of living in the United States lawfully. The Romero Firm can help you in various areas of the immigration process, including Citizenship, Green Cards, Removal or Deportation, Work Permits, Civil Rights and Discrimination, Family Court, Asylum, and Family Petitions. Immigration attorney Anibal Romero and his team are dedicated to helping clients with immigration legal issues in New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Texas, and California. Schedule a consultation with Anibal Romero or a member of his legal team today:

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